I’m ever so excited! I’ve not been back to India since April 2019 as my following 2020 trip was obviously cancelled. I allowed Dad and David the pleasure of taking the first trip back out last year, but it’s definitely my turn again now! So actually we will all go. That certainly is a first! And slightly unnecessary! But we will all have our roles. David will take the role of head buyer as he’s a good eye for all things unique… just a few nudges needed along the way to remember the pieces that we find stunning too! I will head up the admin and photos, while generally keeping on top of what’s what and solving the many tech issues along the way. And Dad, well he’s just Dad, and he HAS to be there. As once again I hold on to the fact we are able to travel there again together, with every year him threatening it’s his last! I will always cherish these memories we have made together since my first trip with him in 2004.