The Indian Furniture Movement

There’s an old saying that goes “Good things take time. Great things take a long time. And the best things take the longest time.”

Furniture that we buy in India can take 5 to 8 weeks to get to us in Hove, and this is why – here’s what happens once we’ve chosen the pieces we want, and how long it takes for our furniture to get here from India, by the numbers:

2 days to clean and wax everything

1 day to wrap, pack and load the container

2 days for the container to travel by train and lorry to the port in Mumbai

4 days in the port – a container ship leaves every Tuesday

3 weeks at sea

5 days in a UK port

1 day to get to us by lorry

2 hours or so to deliver to you once you’ve bought it!

(Usually! 😉 )